The Dream of Gerontius op. 38
na: Soliści, chór mieszany (SATB), orkiestra
Wyciąg fortepianowy (wydanie urtekstowe)
Numer artykułu: 1340622
“This is the best of me”, wrote Edward Elgar after the final measure of his Dream of Gerontius. Premiered in 1900, in Great Britain the work has long been a standard work in the repertoire of large oratorio choirs. Elgar’s moving, poetic setting of the eponymous poem by Cardinal John Henry Newman is about a dying man and his journey beyond death to God.
Before the eyes of the listeners, a musical image of the soul is created which flies past mocking demons to God with its protecting angel at its side, is allowed to look at him briefly, then faces the purgatorial fire of salvation confident and comforted. The work is a real rarity in the history of oratorio, and for large choirs it is a thrilling alternative to the established repertoire of Requiem settings. Its popularity is thanks to the suggestive, often sensuous power of the music, the great choral scenes of the demons and the Angel, and the three impressive solo parts.
All previous editions were reprints based on the historic first printed materials, which are inconsistent. By contrast, Carus has produced a modern, newly-engraved edition, compatible in all sections, which takes all the sources into consideration and evaluates the autograph manuscript in detail. For this edition the complete orchestral material is available on sale, and the vocal score and full score contain both English and German singing texts. The full score is also available digitally.
Scoring: Soli MsTB, Coro SATB (divisi), Semicoro SATB (divisi), 2 Fl, Pic, 2 Ob, Eh, 2 Clt, Clt basso, 2 Fg, Cfg, 4 Cor, 3 Tr, 3 Trb, Tuba, Timp, Perc, 2 Arpe, Org, 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb
na: Soliści, chór mieszany (SATB), orkiestra
Wyciąg fortepianowy (wydanie urtekstowe)
Numer artykułu: 1340622
na: Chór mieszany (SATB), organy
Numer artykułu: 1201865
na: Chór mieszany (SATB), fortepian
Numer artykułu: 314350
und Instrumente (Orchester)
Studienpartitur (en)
na: Orkiestra symfoniczna
Partytura kieszonkowa
Numer artykułu: 1345130
na: Chór mieszany (SATB) a cappella
Partytura chóralna
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Sir Edward Elgar's exquisite Ave Verum for soprano solo, SATB choir and organ in a clear and freshly typeset Novello edition.
na: Głos solowy (sopran), chór mieszany (SATB), organy
Numer artykułu: 347461
for Flute Choir
na: Zespół fletowy
Partytura, głosy
Numer artykułu: 993899
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